Landscaping Design Tips

Every garden has an area where nothing seems to want to grow. Every thing you seem to try fails and nothing you plant lasts longer then a few months, if that.

Well, with this landscape design tip you will never have that problem again.

Fortunately for you, many flowers can thrive in extreme situations and conditions. It all depends on what your extreme condition is.

Whether it be extreme heat, extreme cold, lack of sunlight, too much sunlight or bad soil, something will grow for you.

A general rule of thumb is that perennials and biennials that flower before the end of spring will tolerate shade, while those that flower later in the year need more sun and moisture to survive.

If you have a cold and wet soil condition area in your yard, try plants such as; Aruncus, Caltha, Filipendula, Gunnera and Trollius.

Plants that tolerate a lot of shade that you can use are; Begonia, Ajuga, Corydalis Flexuosa, Cyclamen Coum and Impatiens.

If you have a drought ridden area, try the following plants; Arctotis, Fellcia, Pelargonium, Portulaca Grandiflora and Gazania.

Hopefully you have found these tips useful and find a plant for your trouble area.

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